Bleach 6th Ending - My Pace by Sunset Swish

This ending is one of my favorite j-pop songs. It has a catchy beat and the lyrics are uplifting, with a bit of sage like advice.

Check out the lyrics on they also have the youtube video showing the "Ofensu" instead of the earlier misinterpretation.

EDIT: My English Translation.

For those that have viewed this page in the past; yes, I did have the romaji posted up at one time. However, something on the page got me a warning. Not sure what, since it's been like 7 years since I posted this; but such is life, the lyrics are still traipsing along out there and a new link is up. Enjoy!


Anonymous said…
I think it's
Anonymous said…
Hello!!!... Tnk you!!!... I thinks is "All Fails"... see ya...
Bhotanni said…
To Anonymous: Sorry about that... I go to the site just about every day... you'd think i could spell it by now :P

To Luis... After I posted this and sent a message on to Dattebayo... they changed their sub to "Offense" I've seen the katakana for the lyrics... the way the katakana is spelled looking it up in the dictionary and pronouncing it phonetically is "Offense", however... pronouncing it, you can also say is sounds like "Oh Friends" which is why I made my comment ^_^
Anonymous said…
From hearing it, I'd say definitely ALL FAILS.
Bhotanni said…
To Anonymous:
How fluent are you in japanese? If you're answer is not very, or what you've seen other fansubbers publish... then I blow rasberries in your general direction and tell you, I've listened to the full version of the song more than 20 times, I know what the lyrics mean, and I've seen the kanji for the song... If you've seen a more official original lyrics than what I've linked to... then by all means let me know, and I'll fix it. ^_^

feel free to IM me on AIM or Yahoo! Messenger: botanni for AIM and Bhotanni for Yahoo! :)

Just in case you have trouble looking up the lyrics on the forum I linked to... the phrase in question is written: オフェンス in katakana.
Anonymous said…
nah I think he's right it's "offensu"
Anonymous said…
That's great! Thanks sooo much... I've been looking for the lyrics for ages.

What I really need to find out now is... the english translation! Then I can KNOW what I'm singing when I annoy my parents...
Anonymous said…
yeah me too, been looking all over. this song is so awesome i'm subconciously singing it
Bhotanni said…
Ok, I'll start working on the translation this week :)
Anonymous said…
It ish in fact "All fails" btw. (Ish japanese) SunsetSwish pwn so bad,lol. Ive seen them live. ^___^
Bhotanni said…
Anonymous, please read the English Translation Page. It has both the English translation and the Japanese lyrics.
Anonymous said…
i m quite sure it is oh friends.. yea
Anonymous said…
i m SURE it is oh friends. u can go watch the anime ending song. there's translation as well =)
Bhotanni said…
I've translated the entire song, "Offense" makes the most logical sense. And according to this video on it would translate to "Offense"

And if you're looking at what Dattebayo said... They changed the translation to "Ofensu" which is the romaji for "Offense"

It is very understandable about the confusion. I debated over it myself for quite sometime before actually sitting myself down and thinking about what the words were saying.
Anonymous said… according to this clip is all fails! lol
Bhotanni said…
That is taken from one of the first episodes for that ending. At that time the lyrics were still a bit unclear to the translaters. A few weeks later the same group changed it to "Oh Friends" and then when the official lyrics were printed and shown in Japan, they were corrected to say "Ofensu" which translates directly to say "Offense".
Anonymous said…
thanks alot! =)
Anonymous said…
Damn, a lot of people say the same crap over and over without reading the other posts... and they all think they know what these Japanese people are trying to say even though 99% of them probably can't even pronounce kon'nichi wa...

amerikajin no baka wa ore no kokoro ni nakinasai o suru da yo ne...
Anonymous said…
wow he is boasting how POWERFUL his jap is.. clap..
Anonymous said…
I just listened to an acoustic version of My Pace with only the singers and one guitar. I swear they're saying Oh Friends instead of Offense...
Bhotanni said…
You have the acoustic version? can you IM it to me? Oh Friends and Offense sound very very similar in Japanese.
lydia said…
anyone who as the acoustic version can you please send it to me through aim? i love this song! thanks!


Anonymous said…
Well, if they're just trying to synchronize with the video, I'd say it's "Oh Friends" as the particular part where Nova, Ririn and Kuraudo are "Singing" it, they seem pretty Chummy.

But for the actual song, it does sound like "Offense".
Anonymous said…
C'mon....everybody knows the song says "OHH FRIENDS"...It make more sense than "OFFENSE# or "ALL FAILS"...Becuz that song talks bout friendship.

Anonymous said…
i think its "oh friends" just because thats the one i heard first.
it kinda adds a little something to the song idk. and i wonder if that guy meant..."kokoro wo nakaseru.."
anyways its kind of hard to hear the difference between o-fe-n'su and o-fure-n'su.
thanks for posting the lyrics though :)
Anonymous said…
sry, "o-furenzu".. romaji is a pain.
Anonymous said…
arigato gozaimashite! Tensai-tenki!
Anonymous said…
I'm confused -_- It doesn't matter anyway, just sing whatever you want it sounds the same.

Anonymous said…
ITS ALL FAILS! At least, after listening to it for the 128th time, I'm sure it is. You can definitely hear an L at the end of the word...or is that just me?
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the transliteration!
I think the first line may be
'hitotsu kazoete sumeba ii' (count to one and finish), which would make sense with 'futatsu kazoete yasumeba ii' (count to two and rest). Line four is using the verb susumu, so having it in line one as well would be clunky.
Anonymous said…
ok i am tired of everyone getting this wrong. it's not 'All Fails', or 'OFFENSE' or 'OH FRIENDS'. This is the real thing...


if you don't believe me, go to

it may sound like ALL FAILS but i hear the 't' and the sound is about being your self and working hard so why would it ALL FAILS

Anonymous said…
hey i think it changes alot bout the lyrics its like so annoyin theres all fails and all friends
Anonymous said…
hi. it's "All fails" i'm sure of that
it isn't tails or nails ors some thing like that...
Anonymous said…
Well, to add some water to the well... I actually checked the katakana version (オフェンス) on japanese-english dictionary and what did I get? Offense. I think that is the most closest to the song all in all. Yeah, at first I thought it was "Oh Friends" but I'm getting pretty sure it's offense instead... :)
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Syl said…
Hello! I'm a Bleach fan, and I'm writing from Spain, I found this page while I was searching 'My Pace' lyrics and, after reading all the comments here, I downloaded the SunSet Swish album...well, inside de archive, there are some captures of the covers and the inside part of the cd, and there are the lyrics too. Well, I have to tell you that it's OFFENSE! written in english, and the rest of the song is written in japanese. I could upload it, if you want to see it.
Well, that's all, I just wanted to help in this kind of question...
Unknown said…
Listened to it about 40 times now (the dattebayo release) and I'm convinced it is OFFENSE! Combine that with the katakana and the blatant English in the lyrics in their album and there's no more argument.
Anonymous said…
All Fails is what it said cheack youtube.
Anonymous said…
Seriously, when is youtube ever wrong?
Anonymous said…
Watch the music video for the song, and maybe learn a thing about reading lips, or in my case, 3d animation for lipsync.
In the video on i believe the 3rd set of saying the line you can clearly see his mouth making the shape for U at the end, and not S
the word is Ofensu.

So he's not singing All fails, Oh friends, or Offence (other than in translation).

Don't believe, find someone that reads lips and have them double check, S and U are very different.
Jasa Translate said…
Thanks for the blog post. Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.
Jasa Translate said…
Thanks for the blog post. Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.

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